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Category Archives for "Management"

Bring Your Customers on the Journey with You

By Andrew Cooke | September 27, 2017

How to make it easy for prospects and customers to buy….. A customer journey map is a very simple idea: a diagram that illustrates the steps your customer(s) go through in engaging with your company, whether it be a product, an online experience, retail experience, or a service, or any combination. The more touch-points you […]


How to Find Your Best Clients

By Andrew Cooke | September 25, 2017

And it’s not necessarily those who spend the most…. The squeaky wheel is the one that gets the oil. We all know that. And the customers that complain are the ones we listen to, and with good cause. But when we do so we often forget to pay sufficient attention to our other customers. Because […]


The Customer is NOT Always Right!

By Andrew Cooke | September 20, 2017

3 reasons why the customer is not always right One of the oldest adages for customer experience and customer service is “The customer is always right!”. Sorry, I don’t hold with that. Why? People assume that it is better to keep a customer rather than alienate a customer. But often this is not the best […]


Why We Avoid Difficult Conversations

By Andrew Cooke | August 2, 2017

You have nothing to fear but fear itself At work one of the things a person fear most, and actively try to avoid, is having a difficult conversation with a boss, a peer or a report. Let’s face it, we don’t like it as it represents the unknown – whenever you enter into a difficult […]


1 New Results Need New Behaviours

By Andrew Cooke | July 24, 2017

Why what got you here won’t get you there! Are any of these scenarios familiar to you?  You’ve been recently promoted. You’re in the same job you were in a year ago, but the scope is a lot bigger today than it was then. You’re working in an organization where the performance bar has been […]


Developing a Personal Strategic SWOT Analysis

By Andrew Cooke | July 5, 2017

How to create strategies to build the You of the future. We are all familiar with a SWOT Analysis being used on our business. SWOT  is an acronym for identifying your company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.  But did you know you can use it on yourself? And that you can use it to generate […]


Five Ways to Create an Environment for Employee Engagement

By Andrew Cooke | June 21, 2017

Only employees can engage themselves. You can’t do it. All you can do is create an environment which helps people to be self-motivated and engaged.  Everyone is different, that is true, but there are common factors that are intrinsic to everybody’s level of satisfaction and engagement at work. Engaged employees voluntarily invest time, effort and […]


It’s What Is, Not What Might Be, That Matters!

By Andrew Cooke | June 12, 2017

How to build your ability to be objective. A common mistake made by managers is to equate what they think with what they know. But there is a world of difference, let me explain. At the core of this is being able to differentiate between the objective and the subjective perspective of the matter to […]

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