Business growth – Page 4 – Growth and Profit

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Category Archives for "Business growth"

How to Find Your Best Clients

By Andrew Cooke | September 25, 2017

And it’s not necessarily those who spend the most…. The squeaky wheel is the one that gets the oil. We all know that. And the customers that complain are the ones we listen to, and with good cause. But when we do so we often forget to pay sufficient attention to our other customers. Because […]


Network Effects & the Collaboration Curve

By Andrew Cooke | July 17, 2017

Building a stronger business through network effects & collaboration  Network effects are becoming increasingly important for businesses; especially those involved in technology, as by understanding them you can not only build better products but also a better business. A network effect occurs when a product or service becomes more valuable to its users as more […]


1 Land Mines vs. Gold Mines

By Andrew Cooke | July 12, 2017

How to ask customers for feedback to build better relationships and drive sales Too often businesses adopt pessimistic mindsets when using customer surveys, with the surveys being focused on problems and what has gone wrong – your “land mines”. This is so the business can identify what has gone wrong, focus on what can be […]


How to Use Question-Storming to Innovate

By Andrew Cooke | June 30, 2017

…a better way than brainstorming when innovating The idea of brainstorming is to get a group of diverse people to generate a lot of ideas, without judgment, in order to discover a solution to a problem. It has its use at times, but the problem is that it doesn’t work! Why do I say this? […]


The 7 Ps – Seven Questions for Growing Your Business

By Andrew Cooke | June 9, 2017

How you can improve employee commitment and engagement demonstrate respect. When you are looking to grow your business there are three steps involved: firstly, determining what your business will look at a given point in the future; secondly, what the business currently looks like; and finally, how you are going to bridge the gap between […]


The Leadership/Management Matrix Tool

By Andrew Cooke | May 31, 2017

Leadership and management may complement each other, but they are very different So which is more important, management or leadership? This is not the right question to ask, rather the question to ask what is the balance between management and leadership that you need to have? To answer this, you need to at what role […]


Learning From Your Mistakes

By Andrew Cooke | May 25, 2017

How failure can make you more successful… We all make mistakes, but do we learn from them? As children we are often taught not to make mistakes, and that it is important to be right. This is reinforced as we become adults and so we learn to equate mistakes with failure.  And when we do […]


The Conflict Management Strategies Matrix

By Andrew Cooke | February 20, 2017

Four key strategies to use when managing conflict, and when to use them When assessing what strategy to use in managing the conflict there are two key criteria: the importance of the outcome and the importance of the relationship.  Their relative importance will vary with each situation. The four quadrants in the above matrix are: […]